
Showing posts from June, 2024

The reason why perfect marriages are so rare

Shifting Dynamics in Relationships and the Redefinition of Marriage In contemporary society, the stigmas associated with divorce and singlehood have gradually faded, giving way to a more accepting and understanding social landscape. While the primary reasons for divorce are often attributed to incompatibility, household labor imbalances, and financial strains, a recent survey conducted by wedding information companies OnlyYou and Bierenae unearthed unexpected motivations among single individuals seeking re-entry into marriage. The survey, involving 556 single men and women, unveiled that 28.4% of male respondents had contemplated divorce in the face of their spouse's professional success. This was followed by concerns over compatibility (25.2%), physical attractiveness (20.9%), and an active lifestyle (17.9%). Among single female respondents, the leading reasons for considering divorce were overly refined manners (29.1%), followed by their spouse's career achievements (24.8%),

Why Maternal Uncles Often Have Closer

My maternal uncle's house held a special place in my childhood memories. Nestled in the town of Jeonui, beyond the Gaemi Pass, it was a haven of warmth and affection. A large stream meandered through the town, and a majestic tree stood sentinel at the entrance, its branches providing a canopy for the vibrant village festivals. As dusk settled, the aroma of freshly cooked rice wafted from the chimneys of each house along the winding path leading to my grandmother's home, mingling with the anticipation of the evening meal. My maternal uncle, a man of boundless love and kindness, showered my siblings and me with his affection. I vividly recall him hitching us onto the back of his bicycle, embarking on joyful rides along the stream's edge. Along the way, he would pause, pluck delicate flower petals, and offer them to us as edible treats, a revelation that expanded my culinary horizons. His occasional visits to our home in Suwon, however, were met with a sense of unease by my fa

it's through failures and setbacks that we truly learn, grow, and become stronger

Achievements and Failures Achieving something always made me feel good. In the moment of accomplishment, it was a source of pride and satisfaction. However, upon reflection, I've come to realize that these experiences didn't necessarily lead to significant personal growth. They often served as a temporary ego boost rather than a catalyst for deeper learning and development. In contrast, failures and setbacks, while unpleasant and discouraging, have proven to be far more valuable teachers. They've forced me to confront my shortcomings, identify areas for improvement, and persevere in the face of adversity. These experiences have not only strengthened my resilience but also helped me develop a deeper understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses. While I wouldn't actively seek out failures, I've come to recognize them as necessary ingredients for personal growth. They've served as a bitter medicine that, though unpleasant to swallow, has ultimately made me stro

The Illusion of Happiness

 It's been a while since I've avoided evening drinking parties. It's always the same story... Gatherings where the goal is to drink... And the scenery outside the car on the way home is always dark and blurry, which I find empty and depressing. Why did I feel empty on the way home laughing? Maybe it's because I'm used to the strange habit of looking for meaning, and maybe it's because the gap in my obsession with being happy is too deep. I also wonder if life is too light if the purpose of life we have to live is happiness. As I live, I realize that life cannot be happy all the time. It seems like a huge greed and arrogance to wish to be happy only myself while living in a relationship that I cannot help. Suddenly, I think that life is like a marathon. The reason I have to run unconditionally on a set course is because I was born. A life of running 42.195 km. I can think that the beautiful scenery, consideration and warmth, and peace that I experience in the pro

The Significance of Dressing Well

  The Significance of Dressing Well: A Reflection on Coco Chanel's Words As fashion icon Coco Chanel famously remarked, "One can never be too dressed up or too thin." While the latter half of her quote may be debatable, the first part holds undeniable truth. The way we present ourselves through our attire speaks volumes about our character, our respect for others, and our understanding of the occasion. Indeed, dressing well is not merely about adhering to fashion trends or seeking validation through outward appearances. It's about demonstrating consideration for the situation and the people we encounter. Whether it's dressing appropriately for a job interview, a formal event, or a casual gathering, our clothing choices convey our level of respect and attention to detail. Consider the following scenarios: Arriving at work in hiking gear: While comfortable attire may be preferred for leisure activities, it sends a mixed message in a professional setting. It suggest

AI, Job Losses or Job Creation?

Navigating the AI Revolution: Embracing Change and Shaping the Future The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and language models like ChatGPT and Gemini is transforming the world around us, bringing about a wave of both excitement and apprehension. While some fear job displacement and economic disruption, others see immense potential for growth and innovation. Cost Reduction and Efficiency Gains One of the most immediate impacts of AI is the significant reduction in costs and the enhancement of efficiency across various industries. Tasks such as press release writing, event speeches, and even coding can now be handled by AI with remarkable accuracy, freeing up valuable time and resources for human workers. The Automation Debate: Job Losses or Job Creation? The proliferation of AI-powered robots and smart factories has raised concerns about job displacement. However, history has shown that technological advancements often lead to the creation of new job opportunities, rat

There's no need to get angry

  Revisiting "My Liberation Notes": A Healing Journey of Empathy and Self-Reflection I recently had the pleasure of revisiting the heartwarming korea drama "My Liberation Notes" with my wife. Each episode unfolded like a comforting conversation, filled with relatable moments and shared laughter. The characters' seemingly mundane lives, often perceived as lacking or unfulfilled by others, resonated deeply with my own experiences, offering a sense of solace and understanding. One particular line from Yeom Mi-jeong, played by Lee Min-jung, struck a chord within me: "I've gotten angry countless times, but I've never felt better after letting it out." Mi-jeong's words encapsulate the complex nature of anger, a universal emotion that often leads to unintended consequences. Despite the initial surge of frustration or resentment, expressing anger rarely brings true resolution or relief. Instead, it can leave both the expresser and the recipient fee

The Power of Storytelling in an Image-Driven World

  The Power of Storytelling in an Image-Driven World In today's world, where comprehensive user manuals are often a thing of the past, intuitive product design is paramount. Customers are more likely to abandon a product if they find it difficult to use without clear guidance. This highlights the importance of imbuing products with emotional resonance that goes beyond mere functionality to capture consumer interest. Storytelling plays a crucial role in marketing, as it taps into the power of human memory and imagination. According to cognitive psychology, our brains are better at retaining information when presented in the form of images. Storytelling evokes vivid imagery in our minds, akin to watching a movie, making it more memorable than rote memorization. Therefore, crafting a compelling narrative and selecting the right imagery are essential aspects of effective marketing. The ability to master storytelling extends beyond the realm of marketing, proving valuable in personal re

Leftover Chicken Salad

  Leftover Chicken Salad: A Healthy and Flavorful Treat Transform your leftover chicken into a delightful and nutritious salad with this simple recipe. Ingredients: Shredded leftover chicken Mixed greens (lettuce, cabbage, cucumber) Balsamic vinegar Oriental dressing Instructions: Prepare the Salad Base: Wash and chop the mixed greens into bite-sized pieces. Arrange the greens on a serving plate or in individual bowls. Dress the Greens: Drizzle a light amount of balsamic vinegar over the greens. Add a touch of oriental dressing for an extra layer of flavor. Incorporate the Chicken: Heat up the leftover shredded chicken in a pan or oven until warmed through. Distribute the warmed chicken evenly over the dressed greens. Enjoy: Savor your delicious and wholesome leftover chicken salad, relishing the blend of flavors and textures. This salad is a perfect light lunch or a satisfying side dish. Tips: For added crunch, consider adding chopped nuts, celery, or bell peppers to the salad. If you

A Plea for Affection in a World of Friction

  A Plea for Affection in a World of Friction As I watched a recent broadcast, I was struck by an interview with korean singer and actor Cha Eun-woo. Amidst the lighthearted conversation, the host posed a final question, "Do you have any hopes or dreams?" Eun-woo paused, taking a deep breath before softly replying, "I wish the world would be a little more affectionate." The word 'affection', a term I hadn't heard in a while, resonated deeply within me. Affection, meaning 'to have deep feelings of care and love for someone or something', encapsulates the essence of human connection. It's the glue that binds us together, the lubricant that smoothens our interactions when friction arises. A world devoid of affection is a world parched and barren, prone to conflict and strife. It's a relentless race where individuals are consumed by the pursuit of 'more': more possessions, more recognition, more validation. Like gazelles constantly on

Mental Strength and Creativity

  Mental Strength and Creativity: Lessons from Dr. Park Mun-ho's Lectures Dr. Park Mun-ho, a renowned neuroscientist, offers valuable insights into enhancing mental strength and cultivating creativity. His lectures, spanning a vast range of disciplines from quantum physics to biology and history, emphasize the importance of knowledge accumulation, positive thinking, and pattern recognition in fostering these qualities. 1. Strengthening Mental Resilience Dr. Park draws an analogy between anticipating a surprise and predicting future events. By enhancing our ability to predict, we can effectively prepare for challenges and reduce stress. This predictive capacity stems from analyzing past data and identifying patterns. 2. Cultivating Effective Learning While IQ and academic performance are closely linked in high school, the focus shifts to creativity and problem-solving in later stages of life. However, Dr. Park highlights that memorization remains crucial for building a strong founda

To Become a Great Chef

During Kim Han-song's chef lecture, there was a resonating statement. Chefs prepare ingredients, cook, and clean to open the restaurant every morning. Day after day, for decades, 365 days a year, the same routine repeats. To become the best chef, one needs the patience to endure these repetitive tasks. But is it only chefs who experience this? They say you have to pay for what you love and make money from what you do well. Few people have multiple things they excel at. So, they end up making a living from what they do well. Thus, a job consists of daily patterns and similar tasks within a broad framework. In the third year, fifth year, tenth year, twentieth year, thirtieth year... you start feeling inflammation towards the work and desire to escape. At this time, companies promote you. It's delicate, isn't it? The only way to overcome this monotony is through one thing: embracing novelty. By challenging oneself with new fields and integrating skills, the framework expands a

Connected Others

There is a way to live without getting hurt by friends, loved ones, or cherished ones. It's to sever the relationship. The same applies to relationships with parents, children, and relatives. But is that the right answer? We are connected others, and this thought is the beginning of restoring relationships. When this perspective is firmly established, we realize that there are so many things to be thankful for in the world. :) #Relationships, #Hurt, #Conflict, #Recovery, #Method, #Perspective, #MindsetShift

Overcoming stage fright

I received speech training at work yesterday. Although I thought I had enough experience in speaking, I quietly attended the mandatory training. The instructor was U Seol-li, an announcer, and I was amazed at how well she spoke and how enjoyable she made the practice sessions. No matter how experienced one may be, it's always burdensome to get on stage or observe from the sidelines. Instructor U taught us how to overcome stage fright. Practice a lot on the spot. During the waiting time or while giving a speech, strike confident poses. It's said that practicing in the actual environment is more effective than practicing alone at home or in the office. There are limitations to practicing at home or in the office. When you're tense, your muscles tense up. Your heart beats faster, and your hands, arms, and legs shake. Muscle reactions provide a signal to the brain that you're tense, leading to a vicious cycle of becoming more nervous. Therefore, it's said that tension c

Reasons for Establishing Relationships with People Who Do Not Benefit Life

I've often pondered what's most crucial for sustaining relationships. I used to think that by being attentive, considerate, and kind, I could ensure a recurring role in the dramas of others' lives. However, among the thousands of contacts stored on my phone, less than 20% are those I've met or exchanged greetings with in the past year. "Do I need to clean up my contacts?" I entertained this thought briefly, but then I hesitated, thinking, "Why bother? They might feel hurt if they find out I deleted their contact after finally reaching out..." It wasn't just about contacts. Upon closer observation, I realized I was expending energy on people who did not contribute to my life. "I don't want to meet them..." I would think, yet I couldn't bring myself to reject them outright. (Though now, sometimes, I handle such situations adeptly.) "Why do we form relationships with people who don't benefit our lives? Is it for everyone&#

Talent, Just a Gift from Parents

There are many people in the world who possess innate talents. They excel in academics, sing beautifully, or perform exceptionally in sports. However, there's something important we shouldn't forget. It's said that talent contributes 90% to success, while effort accounts for only 10%. At first glance, 10% may seem insignificant, but it signifies an area governed by biological constants that ordinary people can hardly grasp, while the remaining 10% represents the amount of effort one must put in. Therefore, if you have any special talent, it's first a matter of gratitude towards your parents and ancestors, and then it's about making efforts to utilize that gift effectively. No matter how great a gift you've received, if you don't utilize it, it won't even sell in a second-hand marketplace. #Success, #Drive, #Talent, #Genetics, #Gift, #Effort, #Manifestation

The Dilemma of Delayed Gratification

In psychology, there's a term called "delay of gratification," which means delaying current happiness for the sake of future benefits. Some say it as follows: "We postpone today's happiness in pursuit of an uncertain happiness in the distant future." Depending on how you hear it, it can be interpreted as "Let's enjoy today." They travel abroad every year, believe they deserve luxury gifts at least once a year, enjoy expensive whiskey, drive luxury cars, and feel entitled to such a life, thinking, "It's our one and only life, so why shouldn't we indulge?" It's natural for desires for such a life to arise. However, experiencing the increasing fear as expectations rise, it's not difficult to feel apprehensive about enjoying today while dawn breaks. Therefore, many modern individuals willingly endure delayed gratification through considerable labor, even accepting depression and chronic diseases. Is delayed gratification f

The purpose of evolution is not perfection

While we have learned that humans are rational and social animals, looking at the current situation, we see efforts to be rational but actions filled with contradictions. While emphasizing the importance of social relationships, we create factions, fuel conflicts, and promote destruction. Despite constantly chanting slogans like "Let's not repeat the same mistakes through history," we find ourselves repeating those mistakes over and over again. Gary Marcus, a neuroscience expert from MIT, stated that humans instinctively prepare sloppy and inadequate solutions, leading to repeated mistakes. Why is the world full of incomprehensible events? In your book "Trailblazer," you mention: "The purpose of evolution is not perfection but adaptation and survival." The human body has numerous weaknesses. From the fragile spine that struggles to support body weight, to the inevitable flaws in the structure of our eyes, wisdom teeth, appendix, coccyx... These weaknes

If you want to become wealthy...

Yesterday, when I returned home from work and opened the front door, my wife didn't greet me as usual. Instead, I heard someone speaking rapidly from the direction of the kitchen. My wife was listening to a YouTube lecture. It was about economics, and I couldn't help but think, "This person speaks quickly and has a sense of humor." As I was about to head to the bedroom to change clothes, I was stopped by a question. "Do you really love money?!" my wife asked. "If you love money, why do you keep exchanging it for bags?! That's not love!" ... If you truly want to become wealthy, I've been told you should first accumulate 100 hundred dollor in cash. Many people, after saving a few million or tens of millions of won, end up spending it on things like cars, hobbies, or various new gadgets. But if you really want to accumulate money, you need to continue reinvesting until you reach 100 million won. This requires persistent effort and dedication.

The Fundamental Principle of Making Money

1. Making the other party comfortable 2. Making the other party happy That's it. Just two things. If you can provide value worth paying for, success will follow. #MoneyMaking, #Core, #Principle, #Selflessness, #Trailblazer, #Essence

Handwriting is the trace of the mind

 We are already halfway through the year. On a sunny spring day, in a conference room where silence and debate intersect, I found myself looking down, scribbling with a Parker ballpoint pen on the pages of my diary. ‘What terrible handwriting…’ The pages were being filled with notes that I would probably never look at again. Yet, out of habit, I continued to mix doodles with actual notes, writing something down. At one point, I pressed my fingers to draw circles three or four times, indicating something important, but made it almost illegible. The meeting was boring, but for the past few minutes, a ray of sunlight had been piercing through the blinds, playfully disturbing the middle of my writing. Suddenly, I recalled the words of handwriting analysis expert, Attorney Bonjin Koo. Attorney Koo, a former prosecutor in the major crimes division, noticed common traits in the handwriting of violent criminals during his career. Through self-study, he became convinced that handwriting reveals

A Surefire Way to Gain Recognition in the Workplace

Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe, a distinguished Norwegian ethologist and comparative psychologist, discovered in 1921 that even among the wandering chickens on a farm, there exists a pecking order. In the world of chickens, just like in human society, the hierarchy was a matter of survival, especially when food was scarce. Similarly, humans continuously engage in competition, driven by instincts essential for survival. As one climbs up the social ladder, they gain the power to allocate resources. While we may criticize politicians for their constant squabbles, it's simply a natural phenomenon. The phrase "If you want peace, prepare for war!" may seem paradoxical, but in the realm of communal living organisms, it's a clarion call that pierces through the essence of life. Competition exists even within households. Just as pet dogs perceive the hierarchy among family members, it's evident that hierarchies exist among humans too. The more we cry out for equality, the more

Must Life Have Meaning?

 In 2015, I listened to a lecture by Professor Dae-Shik Kim from the Department of Electrical Engineering at KAIST. The first slide had the sentence: "Must life have meaning?" The lecture discussed how, as AI technology evolves, humans will face challenges from machines armed with AI. From the universe's perspective, the world is the master, and individuals are the subjects. Individuals are born into given environments, age, and eventually disappear. Why are humans destined to age and die? Professor Kim references the world's first novel, the Epic of Gilgamesh. Humans were granted an elixir of eternal youth by the gods but it was taken by a serpent. When they asked for another, the gods sharply refused. As a result, humans live their lives running their course like relay runners and then exit. Nature, the master, gave more energy and resilience to the young, while the elderly, deprived of reproductive power, are neglected. And so, the question resounds again like a sh

Debt Escape Strategy

 The economy is currently facing turbulent times, and many people are struggling. I am currently reading a book titled In the Next Five Years, Only Those Without Debt Will Survive . The term "credit" is one coined by the financial industry. A high credit score means a customer is highly profitable. Therefore, it can be said that "credit" and "debt" are essentially interchangeable terms. The credit cards we use in our daily lives can also be called debt cards. Using a credit card essentially means using debt based on credit, and if you're utilizing revolving services, you're essentially taking out a high-interest loan. No one embraces debt out of love. If a family member falls seriously ill, a parent's business encounters difficulties, or multiple issues converge, the burden of debt can extend to the children. Many families find themselves in such situations, overwhelmed by the weight of debt and facing threats to their survival. The worst-case

AI replace jobs for low-income individuals

The integration of AI technologies like ChatGPT and Gemini into business and personal workflows is driving significant changes. One of the most notable impacts has been in translation, where AI has drastically reduced both costs and concerns. For example, I have been relying on AI for quite some time now to draft press releases or prepare speeches for events. Furthermore, as the proliferation of smart factories equipped with robots and AI software continues to grow, there are increasing fears that jobs may be threatened. However, there are also those who argue that job opportunities will actually increase. Historical examples include the advent of the steam engine, carriages, and washing machines. When cars first appeared, there were concerns about the loss of coachman jobs, but taxis emerged instead. Similarly, the invention of the steam engine initially raised fears that machines would replace workers, yet lower costs and expanded markets created more jobs. When washing machines were

The Talent HR Managers Want

Even if the job market is tough, finding good talent is equally challenging. It's truly ironic. Recently, a university asked me to mentor students aspiring for jobs in public enterprises. With my experience in HR, I felt I had useful insights to offer and happily accepted. Contemplating my advice, I decided to create a diagram. To summarize everything, I translated the key points into English, making them easier to remember and discuss like a puzzle. The ideal candidate for an HR manager is summarized as "USA" This stands for Unique qualities (U), Self-driven to create added value (S), and having a positive Attitude (A). Such individuals exceed expectations, plan thoroughly, execute effectively, check results, and find improvements (PDCA). When planning, they don't just brainstorm randomly. They research demand, consider their approach, highlight the value and impact, and compare with competitors to propose a strategy (NABC approach). Adopting these three habits will

The Fundamental Reason Why the US and Europe's Efforts to Counter China Are Failing

 The wars currently ongoing between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Iran, have certain commonalities. While they may appear to be driven by geopolitical reasons on the surface, I believe the underlying reason for the United States' active involvement is its effort to contain China and maintain the dominance of the US dollar within the broader context. The US has only been able to maintain global leadership for less than 100 years. Following its de facto victories in World Wars I and II, the dollar was established as the world's primary reserve currency. By ensuring that all global oil transactions could only be settled in dollars, the US secured control over global finance and gained the power to regulate the industrial sectors of other nations through dollar supply management. The problem has recently intensified as the Chinese yuan started threatening the dominance of the dollar. China has strengthened its partnerships in Africa, the Middle East, and Russia through the Bel

To become the best chef

Korean famous c hef Han-song said something that really resonated with me during his lecture. He mentioned that every day, he prepares ingredients, cooks, and finishes the day with cleaning to open his restaurant in the early morning. These repetitive tasks go on for years, day after day, 365 days a year. He emphasized that to become the best chef, one needs the patience to endure such monotonous tasks. But is this only true for chefs? He also talked about how one's favorite job often requires payment, and one earns money through doing what they are good at. Few people have multiple things they are good at, so they end up making a living from what they excel at. Thus, jobs entail daily routines, and within the larger framework, the content is often similar. Whether it's the third year, fifth year, tenth year, twentieth year, or thirtieth year... During this time, there's a desire to escape the inflammation felt from doing the same thing every day. And it's at this time

Why can't economically backward countries escape poverty?

Why can't economically backward countries escape poverty? Is it because they don't work hard? Is it because they lack resources? Is it because they lack leading corporations to drive the economy? Do you remember Peru's President Fujimori? As a Japanese, he ruled South American Peru for 10 years. He was born amidst the support of citizens who desired to develop Peru like Japan. In the book "The Mystery of Capital" by Hernando de Soto, Fujimori's closest advisor in economic matters, there is astonishing content. De Soto explored and attempted every possible way for Peru to become an economic power, but ultimately faced difficulties. The reason? The difficulty in capitalizing assets. Capitalizing assets? We borrow money by pledging assets like real estate or credit. Banks invest capital based on our assets. This is the process of assets turning into capital. If you operate a store diligently and generate profits, you create royalties. That is, capital is created