To God, Everything is Perfect

 "To God, Everything is Perfect"

These days, watching the news makes me want to lash out at the world.
'Who's criticizing whom?'
'It's full of sociopaths'
'There's no conscience'Heraclitus, who lived around 540 BC, contemporaneous with Buddha.
He's famous for an anecdote where, while walking and looking at the sky to understand the universe's principles, he fell into a stream and was shamed by an old woman saying, "How can you know about heavenly matters when you can't even see what's at your feet?"
His immortal quote:
"To God, everything is perfect." -Heraclitus -
Heraclitus said that good and evil, light and darkness, imperfection and perfection - all these were created by God.
To God, everything is beautiful, just, and good.
He said there's always a reason, and nothing is lacking or excessive.If all this is created by God, it should be perfect.
If it's created by God, there shouldn't be anything incomprehensible.
That's why I can't trust the God you speak of.

#Heraclitus #ToGod #Everything #IsPerfect #Unbelievable #God


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