
Showing posts from August, 2024

There are no good sons

A few days ago, I stopped abruptly while flipping through channels, as if slamming on the brakes. It was because I saw announcer Choi Dong-seok, who's been attracting public attention lately. After his divorce from Park Ji-yoon, I felt a twinge of sympathy, wondering how he was managing on his own. Choi Dong-seok says that whenever he faces difficulties, he turns to his older brother first. That brother is Pastor Choi Jung-hyun. While the brother worries about how his younger sibling is faring, he sighs, reminding him to call their parents frequently as they're concerned. After a brief pause, he uttered, "There are no good sons in this world." Why are most sons unable to be affectionate and tender towards their parents? I think it's influenced by their inherent nature of struggling to express affection, as well as the uncomfortable neutrality between two women of different surnames. It's obvious what would happen if they lean towards one side. In today's e

Why Flowers Are Beautiful

There’s a lyric that says, "A person is more beautiful than a flower." While there are many people who are not that beautiful, what is the reason for praising humanity as being more beautiful than flowers? This morning, when I opened my messaging app after arriving at work, I found a message from a grateful person who sends me words of hope every morning. "Roses are not beautiful because they bloom beautifully, but because they bloom diligently." It’s because they bloom with effort that they are beautiful... Only now do I understand the meaning behind the lyric "A person is more beautiful than a flower." The dictionary definition of beauty is simply being pretty. Yet, our lives, which we endure and overcome amid continuous hardships, are what make us beautiful. It is the people who protect and continue this life that make humanity more beautiful than flowers. I encourage you to overcome and protect your life today as well. Be beautiful! #RosesBloomNotForBe

Epidemics comes from...

In Lewis Dartnell's book "Becoming Human," it is mentioned that common epidemics such as colds, flu, and shingles are diseases that humanity acquired as we settled down and began raising livestock. Colds are viruses transmitted from horses, chickenpox and shingles are viruses transmitted from poultry kept at home, and the flu is a virus transmitted from pigs and ducks. Measles is a virus transmitted to humans from dogs and cows. #Epidemics, #Cold, #Flu, #AnimalViruses, #Infection, #Origins, #BecomingHuman

Literacy? What's that

  The word "digital literacy" frequently appeared in the work report I was listening to. Literacy? What's that now... Literacy originally meant language comprehension, but in the transition to the digital age, it seems that the multimodal learning ability (ability to process various forms of information such as images, videos, audio) required for artificial intelligence is also being applied to humans. Media literacy, digital literacy, data literacy, economic literacy, information literacy... It seems like literacy is being attached to every field now. It's said that about 700 new words are born in the United States alone each year. Examples of recently active words include 3D printer, drone, metaverse, edge computing, quantum computing, blockchain technology, digital transformation, cybersecurity mesh, hyperautomation, and many other words that are difficult to understand unless you're an expert. These days, due to the development of information and communication

The only thing we can change with our effort is the situation

Some are born into wealthy families, while others are born into poor families with seemingly no luck. Some inherit excellent genes, while others live without even inheriting a healthy body. Professor Kim Kyung-il, a cognitive psychologist at Ajou University's Department of Psychology, in his book "Wise Human Life," states that it's important to recognize that the only thing we can change with effort is our situation. We can't choose our parents. We can't change our genes. Trying to change the impossible leads to self-induced unhappiness. I think a wise life consists of efforts to change situations and the humble attitude to accept what we can't. "The only thing we can change  with our effort  is the situation."  -Kim Kyung-il #ProfessorKimKyungil, #Quote, #WhatWeCanChange, #Situation, #Wise, #HumanLife, #Life