
Striving to Be Ordinary

  Striving to Be Ordinary As a child, Hermann Hesse's "Demian" was a beautifully enchanting novel that exuded an inexplicable magic. I became so immersed in Hesse's writing that I indulged in almost all of his works. I use the word "indulged" because it's more accurate to say I was paralyzed, unable to properly grasp his intentions. Years later, rereading his works, I was surprised to find a completely different world unfolding. It was shocking to realize that Demian was another self of Sinclair. Hesse's soul is like Demian's clear spirit and Sinclair's mature, intellectual root. "If you seek happiness, you cannot be happy, and if you seek the meaning of life, you cannot live." I couldn't understand what Hesse meant by this at all. However, after quite some time and experiencing various parts of the world, I'm grateful and proud that I can now somewhat empathize with this statement. Happiness cannot be the purpose; life is s

Intermittent Fasting Threatens Life

Intermittent Fasting Threatens Life Recently, many people around us are practicing intermittent fasting to reduce body fat and maintain health. The 16:8 intermittent fasting method, which maintains a 16-hour fasting period, is popular. The research team led by Victor Wenze Zhong from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine reportedly obtained unexpected results while studying how intermittent fasting changes the body healthily. They found that the 16:8 intermittent fasting method could significantly increase mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases. Analysis of the eating habits of 20,000 American adults from 2003 to 2018 showed that those who practiced 16:8 intermittent fasting had a 91% higher mortality rate from heart disease compared to those with regular eating habits. For those with underlying cardiovascular diseases, intermittent fasting increased the mortality rate from heart disease or stroke by 66%, and cancer patients also showed increased mortality rates when p

To God, Everything is Perfect

  "To God, Everything is Perfect" These days, watching the news makes me want to lash out at the world. 'Who's criticizing whom?' 'It's full of sociopaths' 'There's no conscience' Heraclitus, who lived around 540 BC, contemporaneous with Buddha. He's famous for an anecdote where, while walking and looking at the sky to understand the universe's principles, he fell into a stream and was shamed by an old woman saying, "How can you know about heavenly matters when you can't even see what's at your feet?" His immortal quote: "To God, everything is perfect." -Heraclitus - Heraclitus said that good and evil, light and darkness, imperfection and perfection - all these were created by God. To God, everything is beautiful, just, and good. He said there's always a reason, and nothing is lacking or excessive. If all this is created by God, it should be perfect. If it's created by God, there shouldn't be